Recent content by Fretless

  1. Fretless

    Median Compressor

    Great point, it could make the attacks on notes harder. I was thinking more in terms of the way they saturate, or in the case of cmos/mosfet don’t saturate, but instead clip in a hard not so musical way. Or at least I believe that’s what they would do. This is just my basic understanding and...
  2. Fretless

    Median Compressor

    Possibly the OPA1678 (mosfet) was used due its speed (and to be fair, might be difficult to hear as opposed to testing with a scope to notice any differences, making it sound as tho it’s doing the same thing). To me, a TL072 (jfet) seems less likely to be sterile sounding vs a mosfet based...
  3. Fretless

    What are the odds of a Deep Dish Compressor pcb?

    I thought you axed one of the tubes tho Actually after posting this and continuing to look into it all a bit more I discovered a possible reason, and did also wonder about Effectrode’s involvement in the shelving. Ah well, would have been nice. This has me wondering the differences between...
  4. Fretless

    What are the odds of a Deep Dish Compressor pcb?

    As a recent convert to the digital versions of the LA-2A, I do find myself wondering what the real deal with tubes would be like. Not sure why the Deep Dish Compressor ended up being shelved as a SushiBox product, and people seemed to like the results from it. I realize it isn’t a part to part...
  5. Fretless

    What would you consider a "long enough" delay time for most practical purposes?

    He says he’s getting 1250ms out of one chip (they have a chapter on the delay @~29m in; also interesting discussion of heating a Ge transistor to keep its bias consistent elsewhere in this)
  6. Fretless

    Back In Stock Updates

    Thought there was a good chance that might happen at NAMM, so I rushed to buy two before it happened 😁
  7. Fretless

    PCB Design Tube Pedal

    Very cool! Really liking the look of the pedal too
  8. Fretless

    Tube Pedal request

    The Magnatone amps tremolo/vibe thing is also so good and somewhat similar in many ways. Posted a thread about it recently tho it may have been a bit too ambitious lol
  9. Fretless

    Back In Stock Updates

    Nice thick sounding tremolo. Very cool!
  10. Fretless

    Back In Stock Updates

    Mirage Tremolo is a great name, can’t wait to hear it! edit: Moved my Magnatone vibrato comments & questions to a new thread to hopefully not steal any thunder around what looks to be a great new project
  11. Fretless

    Back In Stock Updates

    Sweet! This sent me down the vibrato rabbit hole, where I inevitably end up at the Magnatone stereo vibrato demo YouTube section 😁
  12. Fretless

    Sushi Box/C2CE Nobelium

    That looks great! 👍 Sucks that there were issues around Tayda’s drilling of the enclosure
  13. Fretless

    Bring out yer Diptrace

    That Synergy stuff looks interesting... I didn’t realize that existed, it’s like guitar racks 2.0 or something. Wild stuff!
  14. Fretless

    Bring out yer Diptrace

    I just looked at all that’s inside the Neve, and tbh I’d just get it or a prebuilt clone. I’m sure he could clone it tho if he chose to