Recent content by XNFrank

  1. X

    GUI for FXCore development updated

    V2.1 now available, added undo stack, can select and delete multiple blocks, text blocks, background grid to align blocks, few other items and new blocks added to util library.
  2. X

    GUI for FXCore development updated

    V2.0 released, added color to blocks, group select and move and a few other details.
  3. X

    EEPROM programming hardware

    It really breaks down to the following: 1. No programmer other that the Spin dev board is compatible with the SpinASM s/w directly. 2. Any programmer that can read Intel HEX format files and is able to program 24LC32A EEPROM will work 3. From SpinASM you need to make a project (see PDF on...
  4. X

    GUI for FXCore development updated

    Included in the ZIP file of tools for the FXCore on our site: Available for Windows x64 and x86 as well as Mac AppleSilicon and Intel based Basic intro and example building a pitch shifter at
  5. X

    GUI for FXCore development updated

    We have released an update to GooeyCore, the GUI for FXCore development. V1.5 can now call the preprocessor and assembler directly so it is easier/quicker to test new patches. Some minor updates to libraries also.
  6. X

    finding FV-1 chip?

    Actually this is the reason for the ICP board, just need access to the I2C lines on the PCB to load new programs. FXCore assembler can talk to ICP then plugged into your pedal and it thinks it is a dev board. There are people working on PCBs with the I2C lines on a header just for this reason...
  7. X

    Hey BuGG, have you seen these?

    After you do it a couple hundred times it isn't too bad;)
  8. X

    Hey BuGG, have you seen these?

    Now available