SOLVED Glory Hole Switch Pop


Well-known member
I’ve got a glory hole i built and its got a switch pop
Thing going on.

Apparently I’m not the only one who has experienced this. As theres another thread where two are mentioned having the problem. One of the more popular boards I imagine, im assuming they all havent had switch pop…

I tried the fix in KR sounds thread and it did not fix it. I removed the ground from led, so it is no longer coming on. Doesnt fix it. I would describe it as a squeaky pop. And it almost seems like it builds up. Rapidly pushing the button seems like it gets quieter…

Any suggestions?
Wouldnt the cap and pot be forming a filter though? No fear of changjng that?

Edit: oh the frequency is like inaudible, why choose a 2u2 there then? Seems odd.
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Is the pedal isolated and on its own, or in between other pedals/circuits?

I'd rather put a 2µ2 non-polarised box-film cap in place than go to 1µF.
In sure most everyone has built this to spec, i assume theres been a couple hundred of these boards made at least. While it might not be the “ideal” component im sure everyone who out a polarized 2u2 electro there isnt getting pop so im
Going to try another.
Well i tried swapping in a new electro thinking maybe it was bad…. Nope

Switched the input coupling cap… nope

Put a 1 uf film cap in as suggested…. yes

These are the cheap tayda electros (which id wager at least 50% of us use these). And i tried two so maybe bad batch? Ive got to think theres at least 10-15 forum users here who have built these with the same caps and complaints really…

Thiught maybe my cable is causing something or my amp…. Nope i had given yhis pedal to a friend and he is the ine that brought it up. Anyways. Guess when i build another one. Ill buy a higher grade cap and see if it makes a difference.
Well i tried swapping in a new electro thinking maybe it was bad…. Nope

Switched the input coupling cap… nope

Put a 1 uf film cap in as suggested…. yes

These are the cheap tayda electros (which id wager at least 50% of us use these). And i tried two so maybe bad batch? Ive got to think theres at least 10-15 forum users here who have built these with the same caps and complaints really…

Thiught maybe my cable is causing something or my amp…. Nope i had given yhis pedal to a friend and he is the ine that brought it up. Anyways. Guess when i build another one. Ill buy a higher grade cap and see if it makes a difference.
awesome, man, glad it worked!