NYC Big Muff Pi to D.A.M. Dope Priest

I did read your post. That's why I'm asking. I'm not an electronics genius. I know enough to do mods and basic stuff. I'm here to learn like everyone else. In the future I'll make sure not to comment on anything you post seeing as you obviously don't want to be bothered. Thanks for "keeping the knowledge free" and insinuating I'm an idiot too. 👍😂
The problem you're having (and it is not in my capacity to fix) is that you're not grasping that the part numbers like C1, R7, etc. correspond to the silkscreen on the circuit board of the EHX Big Muff I purchased. The changed parts values (like changing a 1u capacitor to 100n) came from the tagboard effects layout and how it differs from the Big Muff I purchased. I even provided the parts types I used. I mentioned those facts within that post, so rereading my post and thinking about that would have answered your question ...
EXCEPT you chose to correlate my post with subsequent posts that include schematics that I didn't draw and that are unrelated to the work I did. Feel free to feel like an idiot about that all you want. You'd be learning a valuable lesson that details do matter, especially when we're comparing schematics and layouts to perform circuit modifications. You're also welcome to stay indignant about my posts. I don't care if you don't like the answers I provide. You don't get the right to complain about that which is provided to you for free.
You can use a 1uf film cap instead of a 1uf electrolytic. It's been a long time since I breadboarded a muff with 1uf clipping diode caps, but I vaguely remember hearing a difference depending on the electrolytic cap orientation, so if you're using electrolytic you want the cathode of the cap going towards the diodes like on the PedalPCB schematic.
You can use a 1uf film cap instead of a 1uf electrolytic. It's been a long time since I breadboarded a muff with 1uf clipping diode caps, but I vaguely remember hearing a difference depending on the electrolytic cap orientation, so if you're using electrolytic you want the cathode of the cap going towards the diodes like on the PedalPCB schematic.
I'm not cracking it back open just to check this but I want to say they're already 1u. Any decision to use electrolytic when a film cap of the same value is available is directly related to there already being an electrolytic in that position on the big muff thus the lead spacing on the circuit board is perfect for another electrolytic to be in there.

There's something to be said for making your mods look like they belong there instead of looking like you hacked it together with what you could scrounge up. It looks better when you replace a box cap with a box cap instead of a giant green chiclet, right? Besides, nobody is going to say "imagine how good this would have sounded if they used film caps" until well after they've started hearing with their eyes instead of their ears.
The problem you're having (and it is not in my capacity to fix) is that you're not grasping that the part numbers like C1, R7, etc. correspond to the silkscreen on the circuit board of the EHX Big Muff I purchased. The changed parts values (like changing a 1u capacitor to 100n) came from the tagboard effects layout and how it differs from the Big Muff I purchased. I even provided the parts types I used. I mentioned those facts within that post, so rereading my post and thinking about that would have answered your question ...
EXCEPT you chose to correlate my post with subsequent posts that include schematics that I didn't draw and that are unrelated to the work I did. Feel free to feel like an idiot about that all you want. You'd be learning a valuable lesson that details do matter, especially when we're comparing schematics and layouts to perform circuit modifications. You're also welcome to stay indignant about my posts. I don't care if you don't like the answers I provide. You don't get the right to complain about that which is provided to you for free.
The only problem is that I asked a question to someone that didn't want to be asked one. (And it is not in my capacity to know who doesn't want to be bothered). I understand all that about the part numbers and the ehx PCB, and I realized my mistake with the 1uf cap. I understand now the parts listed are what you used. All I was asking before was if the listing of "(50v electrolytic)" was the part type that you used in your actual build. The few places I can get parts from don't typically have 100n electrolytics. I know I can probably find them on google somewhere or just use film caps but that's the only reason I asked. Just wanted to know if you were listing the types that were removed to be replaced or if that's what actually went in your pedal...that's all. I didn't actually expect you to take it apart and check.

So far every person I've come across on this board has been friendly and helpful so I guess I was bound to annoy at least a few here with my egregious questions. Nice to meet you too! Hope everyone has a great week! 🎉
The only problem is that I asked a question to someone that didn't want to be asked one. (And it is not in my capacity to know who doesn't want to be bothered). I understand all that about the part numbers and the ehx PCB, and I realized my mistake with the 1uf cap. I understand now the parts listed are what you used. All I was asking before was if the listing of "(50v electrolytic)" was the part type that you used in your actual build. The few places I can get parts from don't typically have 100n electrolytics. I know I can probably find them on google somewhere or just use film caps but that's the only reason I asked. Just wanted to know if you were listing the types that were removed to be replaced or if that's what actually went in your pedal...that's all. I didn't actually expect you to take it apart and check.

So far every person I've come across on this board has been friendly and helpful so I guess I was bound to annoy at least a few here with my egregious questions. Nice to meet you too! Hope everyone has a great week! 🎉

I made one of these last year for a mate, and was impressed by it, so I'm making another 2 soon, one for myself, and another present. Preparing a parts list, I realised I need to fix up the flat/boost scoop switch for an On/off/on.... but now I'm rambling.

I really like the Tagboard effects site, except for the lack of schematics. Sure most of them are traced off gutshots and I admire the effort put in.
Anyway, googling the ol dope priest led me to this site, and the schematic reshared by VanWhy looks pretty legit to me.

If I understand this correctly - ICTRock has compared the guts of his NYC BMP (which has heaps of Electrolytic Caps?) to the tagboard Dope Priest drawing so he can modify his own.

If you go googling the Emanating Fist Effects page you can see the Dope Priest gutshots - there you'll see he mostly uses film caps, which matches up with the Tagboardeffects pic. It's what I used in the one I build and it works well. Maybe you can go playing around with electros if you feel adventurous, but I'd do that on a breadboard.

My big disclaimer: I may be wrong, but this is what I've gathered from the answers.
EHX used electrolytic caps where they could because they're cheaper than film capacitors (generally). EHX always finds a way to do something as cheaply as possible even if it means using garbage 3pdt switches that fail consistently.
EHX used electrolytic caps where they could because they're cheaper than film capacitors (generally). EHX always finds a way to do something as cheaply as possible even if it means using garbage 3pdt switches that fail consistently.
Or like using mainly linear pots when a different taper would be better because they buy in bulk and are cheap AF🤦
Or like writing “whatever the hell we have on hand at the time” across the schematic in red white and blue crayon…
I'm convinced some of the 70s pedals I've owned or worked on were built without schematic with the amount of parts tacked on to the solder side.