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  1. Guilherme Collateral

    Royal Lizard (EHX Lizard Queen clone, stripboard content)

    I really, really like working with stripboard. And I miss working with it, so, whenever I can/need to buid something simple, is my go-to method. I'm really impressed with this fuzz, wasn't really expecting to like it so much! Went with the lizard royal family theme.
  2. Guilherme Collateral

    Taxman (PedalPCB Pharmacist)

    Aside for some very weird resistor choices I don't have on stock (and believe me, I have lots of weird resistor values here), the build went without any hickups. This is a really great sounding pedal, sounds awesome with my Les Paul!
  3. Guilherme Collateral

    PedalPCB Ocelot (Boss OC-2 clone)

    Another very straight-forward build. The only thing I think is worthy to say here is - you can sub the 2SK30A(s) for 2SK208GR, just mind the pinout. Sounds awesome on bass!
  4. Guilherme Collateral

    ibanez Mostortion MT-10 Clone

    I just forgot how good this overdrive sounds! It's been a long time since I built the last one, and I'm really pleased how this one came along - feels good to use a plain box (as in with no artwork) once in a while for a quick build. I don't know if you can see it in the second picture, but the...
  5. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Unchained

    Disclaimer: this pedal is only related to the PedalPCB Unchained by name. I always loved the early EVH tones, and never could really bond with the voicing of the BSIAB II circuit. With some breadboarding I ended up with a active tonestack working really great, a bunch of tones available, tryied...
  6. Guilherme Collateral

    PedalPCB Low Tide

    It's been a while since my last Pedal PCB build, so let's go! Just finished a Low Tide for a fried, who asked to do something in the lines of the original. Since I never got around learning how to punch the letters to the enclosure, I went the silk screening way, as aways
  7. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Year of the Rat blackout (ProCo Rat clone)

    Here is a ProCo Rat Whiteface clone with metal can LM308 and tantalum capacitors in the audio path. This time I used a "black out" finishing, which I never used before on this model! Hope you guys like it!
  8. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Foxey Face (fuzz face content)

    Here is my latest pedal, the Foxey Face! Very much based on the Analogman SunFace, but with a onboard voltage inverter and a different value for the bias pot. The trimpot is like the Clean trim on the Sun Face, and the transistors are mid gain Hitachi SA120!
  9. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX White Russian (Big Muff content)

    I love the utilitarian look of the green Big Muffs made by Sovtek, but the enclosure is so big it's not pratical to use in real life (for me, anyway). So I designed a enclosure that looks like it, but it's a lot smaller. I also like to have the tone control of my pedals always at the center, so...
  10. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Cabeça de Bode (Ram's Head clone)

    Another one! Didn't sell any of this for months and suddenly got 3 custom orders. Wanted to try some fancy PTFE wire again, and I really loved working with it. Guess I'll be using it a lot on the next builds! Edit 1: forgot to post the pictures Edit 2: posted two of the same picture hahahaha
  11. Guilherme Collateral

    PedalPCB Kewpie Fuzz

    Oh boy, that was a TIGHT fit! I spent a good 2 hours finishing this one. Decided to go with a clickless bypass in the last minute, and as you can see, the spacing is so tight I couldn't mount the bypass board to the SPST as I was suposed to do. I'm very glad with the hammertone finishing in this...
  12. Guilherme Collateral

    DEMO Collateral The Bendz (Yellow Hybrid Tone Bender)

    Another build of this project I really love. Sounds amazing with the Mullard OC140 (dated 1968). Feels very good to make the world a little noisier.
  13. Guilherme Collateral

    Sunface BC109c on vero

    Got a comissioned build for this one, and went full mojo on it! Tropical Fish and Philips BC capacitors, carbon comp and Pilkor resistors, a pair of Philips NOS BC109c (with a 220pf across the Q2 base and collector) on the classy Tayda olive green finish. The Bias pot is a switched type, when...
  14. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Complex (Plexi Breed)

    Hey guys! I've been absent for a while, lots of work and no time for fun :( But here is a Complex, a somewhat modified Plexi Breed, with some tricks from @Chuck D. Bones. I really love the tones I get from this pedal, sounds really amp like and takes fuzzes and treble boosters really well, so...
  15. Guilherme Collateral

    Tychobrahe Octave Fuzz (etched PCB)

    Hey guys, how are you doing? I've been working like crazy the last few weeks, so it's been a while since my last post. I decided to build a Tychobrahe Octavia since I had all the parts here, a PCB I etched years ago and a spare enclosure. Really love the blue knobs over the white enclosure...
  16. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Black Hole Sunn

    This one is based on the Coda Black Hole, a Sunn model T emulator. I'm really, really pleased with how this one came out, but there's a catch with the layout (that messed up with my wiring), let's see if anyone spots it! My OCD is screaming inside my head but I think I'll survive hahaha
  17. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Demoiselle Chorus

    I posted a few of the Demoiselles I made, but I'm really pleased with how this one came out! My first time using the new enclosures for this model in blue, so I went full blue on it! Blue wires, blue leds, blue knobs (the new Rogan style from Tayda) hope you guys enjoy it!
  18. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Quasar Phaser (Mu-Tron Phasor II)

    Here is another one! I really love how this one sounds and how versatile it is. And yeaaaah, I finally got my nice camera back!
  19. Guilherme Collateral

    Stage Two (PedalPCB Duo-Phase)

    Just finished another piece of this fantastic pedal. Pretty straight forward build even with the bunch of components, fired right up. I can't recommend this pedal enough, sounds really good and it's a fun build! And oh boy do I miss my Canon camera
  20. Guilherme Collateral

    Collateral FX Cabeça de Bode (Big Muff Ram's Head)

    I've been so busy lately and with so little time to post around here, but I finally took the time to build something nice to post! It's a Cabeça de Bode (witch translates to Ram's Head in Brazilian Portuguese) and of course is a Big Muff within the Ram's Head specs and a toggle to switch in some...