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  1. D

    Frequency Interchange w/ piezo pickup

    I see on the Broughton website that the LP/HP has a 1M input impedance and suggests that it is high enough to accommodate acoustic pickups, but would it be beneficial to buffer the piezos in my stick bass (there are 2) before running them to the frequency interchange? I am planning to replace...
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    Drill template units.

    Never really thought ab it, and so long as you measure accurately it doesn’t matter the units, but out of curiosity, are PPCB drill templates measured in imperial or metric units? I tend to use metric since you get fewer trailing decimal points. @Robert ?
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    Vibrobot distortion

    Calling @DGWVI and @Mentaltossflycoon and anyone else who might have thoughts. Mkay, not the reason I thought I was going to open this thread, but while my vibrobot is trem-ing, it has some distortion/fuzziness on the signal. After chasing rabbits before lifting pin 6 I am 99% sure of parts...
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    This is not my beautiful build report (Chicken Wing Audio content)

    Awhile ago I presented a unique project to @steviejr92 it took a lot of planning on his part and time waiting on his new brake and cnc to fully realize the scope, but man did he come through. Some of you may have seen the teaser in the What’s in the Mailbox thread, some of you on IG may have...
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    Cab frequency chart

    Anybody know of a resource that shows the frequency responses of some of the more common speaker cabs out there? Thinking ahead on how best to use this Unicab board once I get it into play. Tried the Omnicabsim users manual but came up dry.
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    Aion Fx L5 pre w/ XLR out?

    So I got caught up in the Aoin fx sale frenzy and ordered the L5 pre Board. I had been looking at it for a while, but never pulled the trigger because of the lack of a balanced out. Well that and the $16 converter, but why let a little thing like money get in the way…. I know I had asked before...
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    🤡 report (ggg headphone amp)

    Not a new build but I took this out of a combo build using an acetylene as a pre and it’s just been sitting there begging to be boxed and used so here you go…… The power Jack got a little off center, but it doesn’t make me go into a white knuckle, eye twitching rage at its abhorrence and...
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    I still build sh*tty pedals

    So my build inertia has pretty well hit the wall, but I do still build some stuff. I have been pretty meh ab posting my bare bones builds. So why start now? Because reasons. First up is a Tearjerker Wah with all the Chuck D Bones bass mods: First let me say, if you are planning on building one...
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    For WORM brethren only. Aion-fx Neurotron

    This build report is 180° from my last one. aesthetically bare bones, but a beast of a board/circuit. This is only the second Lovetone clone I have built, the first being the PPCB Cheesemonger fuzz which is a considerably easier build. This is Aion’s clone of the Ring Stinger, a tricked out ring...
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    IT’S A BUILD REPORT! RUN! (MBP Chaos Agent)

    So this is not so much a showcase for a circuit (grudgingly cool though it may be) as it is a moment for me to share some (admittedly biased) cool pedal artwork done by my daughter. The artwork, hand painted in acrylic So, as far as the circuit, as stated, this is the MBP Chaos Agent which is...
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    Pork loin bass mod

    I built a lamb chop awhile back for bass usage, but was pretty meh on it might try this mod, thanks for posting the link. From what I can tell C34 from the TB pic looks to be C26 (due to proximity to the Lm833 and it appears to be the only 1nf on the schematic*) on the Lamb Chop, can anyone...
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    Transistors for Chaos Agent

    Anybody got some good transistor combos/specs for the MBP Chaos Agent (NPN Fluzz Phalactory)? I know it’s a jacked fuzz face so presume the basic specs will apply, but just want to know what people have tried and liked.
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    Thoughts on a DIY expression pedal

    I’ll start by saying it would probably be easier to just suck it up and buy a Moog ep-3, but having had one previously, it just feels cheap. So got to thinking, I have a 200k econo wah pot from small bear, what’s to stop me from building my own. That said, 200k is not a common pot value for most...
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    Another set of eyes for a Vero build.

    2 threads in as many weeks, where I have I gone so wrong with my building process!? Actually 90% sure this is a programming issue, but since this is my first actual Vero build (aside from pad per point protoboard), I wanted some more experienced eyes on this. This is a Parasit Bitbreaker deluxe...
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    SOLVED I need MORE (help with harbinger 2)

    Moar speed, Moar depth! MBP Harnbinger 2. I get effect, but it’s weak sauce as compared to the Electrovibe. Depth has to be cranked and the max speed is barely half of the electrovibe. The vibrato setting is barely noticeable unless at max speed. I have checked components (several times in the...
  16. D

    AVRdude hex file help

    Ok, so I am trying to upload the hex file provided by Parasit for his Bitbreaker deluxe and I am at my wits end. I am using a USBtiny programming stick (that was kindly sent to me by none other than @fig) and after a couple of days have gotten the right downloads and setup for AVRdude to talk to...
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    Some bypass switching help

    Somebody please explain how/if this works. Specifically, how does this pass signal to the out jack when in bypass? I have wet signal when pedal is engaged, but nothing when off. Do my eyes deceive me, or is there no direct switched connection from in to out, only out from the effect. Orange wire...
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    How did I end up here!?

    A few boards here, a few boards there, a sale or two….. adds up to a lot of friggin builds. This will require multiple posts. First is not a new build, but a rehouse. A PPCB Acetylene. This was acting as a preamp for a headphone amp, but in a search for a decent pre to be used in front of a DI...
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    Basic latching relay and power supplies

    Used the basic latching relay switching on a commissioned build I recently passed to the “customer”. He told me (and sent a video) that if he leaves the pedals (2 in 1 build) on and kills the power at the board, when he turns the board back on (even after 24hrs) the LEDs on the pedal will be...
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    SOLVED Help with something undoubtably dumb

    This was supposed to be a simple easy a/b/y box with switchable PPCB simple Jfet buffer and yet….. The symptoms come down to if I have the ground wire from the power jack to the right output jack sleeve, the buffer works beautifully, if I remove the out jack ground wire, (almost) jack shit...