Search results

  1. Fuzzonaut

    Special Porpoise Fuzz

    Well, I knew what I was getting into with this one - my guitar player has an Antichton but didn't keep it on his board .... (we did get it out for A/B ing, more or less the same, but slightly different) Fuzz and tremolo? Maybe ... but ... I mean ... uhm ... let's say, it's not another tube...
  2. Fuzzonaut

    Depth Charge (on vero)

    Depth Charge bass fuzz (by Prescription Electronics) I always wanted to try one, buying never happened, a PCB didn't show up either, so finally, I went with vero, according to the dirtbox layout. Transistors are all 2N2222A (metal cans, except the matched Q4 and Q5, don't believe the pic) and...
  3. Fuzzonaut


    I'm a fan of the Buzzaround and have build a few variations of that circuit (Fuzzdog, D*A*M, Dunwich, and the Dizzy Elk, if that counts ... and maybe even more). So, when I saw that the mastermind @Chuck D. Bones was giving the circuit his treatment in the Boneyard, I read that thread and then...
  4. Fuzzonaut


    So, this has been sitting in my box of shame for a looooong time ... and recently, I felt like giving it another shot. I had audio entering the FV1 but nothing coming out of it and the trick to get to the internal FV1 programms didn't work either. Anyway, more about that old attempt at trouble...
  5. Fuzzonaut

    Sushi Box Bass Dude

    Here's my Bass Dude, sounds glorious. I wanted the Gain to stay clean for at least 50% and then get into OD territory, so I put a 12AY7 / 6072A into V1 ... and a 7025 WA in V2, both from TAD. Turned out pretty good, here are some notes on the E string to illustrate. quick test of the gain...
  6. Fuzzonaut

    Cleric Muff + Witchcraft Synth

    Another Muff? Sure, why not, there's no such thing as too many muffs. The filter options are an interesting add-on to the circuit. There are different cool sounds in that box. It's not my favourite muff circuit, but still adds something new. Easy build, although the type 2 switch needed some...
  7. Fuzzonaut

    (PedalPCB) Ottava Octave Fuzz

    aka Lastgasp Art Laboratories Octavella. Pretty unruly octave fuzz that shreds your signal to pieces. Let me borrow the Deadend blurb, as it fits so nicely: "This circuit takes your signal, converts it to a filthy fuzz, drags it's nails across a chalkboard, and then adds a screaming octave to...
  8. Fuzzonaut

    (Vero) Pladask Elektrisk Odd Amplitude Modulator Noise Synth

    A ring modulator based on Tim Escobedos Thing Modulator with Starve control, hard clipping diodes, crossover distortion diodes and a feedback switch. I messed things up, fried the LM567, messed more things up while trying to fix things and added a boost at the output. It sounds terrible, don't...
  9. Fuzzonaut

    Drebbel - bass preamp/EQ

    This one is based on the Southampton Ictineo which itself claims to be a 1:1 copy of the Zeibek Designer Submarine. A preamp/EQ for bass - that was good enough to consider it - but it's probably @Mentaltossflycoon fault that I actually built this, after reading his build report. ;) Although...
  10. Fuzzonaut

    DEFX - Zupperbee, Subarashi + Shillelagh

    Good morning. Some Deadend stuff, if you don't mind. I jumped on their Smallsound/Bigsound train and have also enjoyed their Lastgasp Art Laboratories kick for a while now. Here's a Zuperbee, aka BUZZZ, another take on the good old Superfuzz, with some very cool twists and/or extras. A lot of...
  11. Fuzzonaut

    Fornicus OD

    And I recently boxed up this one as well. The Fornicus aka Smallsound/Bigsound F*ck OD. The circuit has been examined and slightly expanded (Sag Depth) by Deadend FX. I like their choice and treatment of circuits, but - as stated before - I'm usually not too fond of their PCB layout. On the...
  12. Fuzzonaut

    (FD) Blenda (of da Fenda)

    This is Fuzzdogs take on the Fender (Shields) Blender, after "having spent the wedge" on one. They simplified things, as they didn't like it without the expanded mode engaged. I usually follow their advice, as they know what they are doing. So, no foot switch or toggle switch for expand, it's...
  13. Fuzzonaut


    This board somehow ended up in my cart, I don't remeber why, I guess I was just curious? Anyway, it's a pretty nice and versatile boost to grit to distortion box, I'd say. (Only tried it on bass, on 9V, so far.) I'll probably gift it to my guitar player who also plays cello, I think it might...
  14. Fuzzonaut


    This one got some raving reviews and I wanted to know what all the fuzz is about .... And oh my, it does live up to the hype, sounds amazing. I'll probably keep the "MODE" switch down, because moar BASS, although there are some interesting textures when up, depending on the other settings...
  15. Fuzzonaut

    Moar Fuzzes

    You can never have enough fuzzes, so here we go. Moonn Doom Doom, which is a Megalith, known for a crushing wall of fuzz, but can also do a lot of different sounds thanks to the filter things going on. An amazing circuit, that slays on guitar and bass. The "More" is wired always on, I mean...
  16. Fuzzonaut

    lab RAT SUSHI box

    This is only my second tube pedal, so I was working very slowly and carefully, measured compenents before soldering, checking solder joints, etc. Then, when powering up .... there was sound!!! And what a sound this thing delivers. Oh boy, big fat sweet distortion toanz for days. LOVE IT! And...
  17. Fuzzonaut

    Sonic Assault System (2x DBA from Moonn)

    I've built my fair share of DBA circuits and really like the noise and signal destruction they provide. So, when Moonn came out with those 2 PCBs that might or might not recreate a pedal that might or might not exist and that Mr Ackermann might or might not have built just for himself, I had to...
  18. Fuzzonaut

    2 japanese circuits from Moonn

    I grabbed these 2 PCBs just because they seemed interesting. First up is something based on a schematic found in the Experimentalists Annonymous DIY Archives, labelled as "old school fuzz", this one: Now, if anybody can tell me, what the "Noise Controll" (5kB) actually does, that would be...
  19. Fuzzonaut

    (EL) Widogast / Wizard Fuzz with blend and clipping options

    The Widogast is based on the Dunwich Wizard Fuzz, which itself is based on - or maybe rather inspired by - the big muff. I've built this stock a while ago and then sold the Dunwich Wizard I had as they sounded more or less the same. There was another one of those PCBs in my stash, so this...
  20. Fuzzonaut

    Another DIZZY ELK, man.

    Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, another fuzz pedal, man. Built on a RAD PCB, that got sent to me over the pond by a very cool dude: @peccary ! As we both love that movie that ties the room together, there was only one way to go regarding graphics. I got some Beyschlag MBB-SMA 1%...