~$22 oscilloscope option - Openscope MZ


Well-known member
I don't have any experience with this, instead hunting for an Analog Discovery 2/3 but came across this this morning. Curious if anyone has tried one. May be a good alternative to the little handheld chinesium scopes for those looking for a very basic scope on a budget.
It's a peripheral 2 channel scope that connects to your PC/mac/penguin via USB or wifi using a Web app for visual output and settings management. also has a phone app. It does have a bode plot function as well that could be used for plotting frequency response but I think you have to plot it yourself via an outputted data file..not certain.
A function generator is also included, but some reading on it suggests it uses a resistor ladder for the amplitude scaling, resulting in a bit of a stepped output. Not a huge deal for a binary go-no go tracing but not exactly pristine sine wave either.
Anyway, for ~$22-25 shipped via eBay, this may be a viable cheap alternative for some looking for a scope for all the simplist of functions.

eBay link
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