Blue Breaker -- aka Blue World


Well-known member
Ok, so just another Blue Breaker. I actually built this one a couple of months ago, but I'm just getting around to posting a build report. I've been going through my older builds looking for bogus chips. This one had a bogus TL072 in it, so I replaced it with a legit one, and that's why I'm posting a build report now.

The difference is definitely noticeable. Don't get me wrong, the fake chip worked, and it sounded fine. However, the real TL072 does make a difference. The pedal feels tighter and cleaner (in a dirty sort of way -- if that makes any sense to anyone). It's definitely a different pedal with a legit TL072. Both were good, but this one is better.

As I said, this is an earlier build, so I was just getting started, and the wiring and build weren't my best. This was one of my last waterslides. It's better than a lot of my previous waterslides, but not as good as the film-free waterslides I am doing these days. Having said that, the thing I love the most about this pedal is the graphic. There's nothing particularly special about the graphic. It was just another experiment, but for some reason I absolutely love it.

I think it's because when I look at it, it kind of tells a story. The astronaut is looking at his home planet, and the alien is looking at him as if to say, I'm going to destroy you (that's just my interpretation). And that's why I love this pedal. I realized that you can formulate a whole storyline from a single image -- like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

EDIT: And yes I realize that I spelled Toan wrong...


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