Fat General + Skeptical Buffer implementation question


I love my Fat General Compressor so much I'm building a second "always on" version. However, I noticed that the Skeptical/Eunuch buffer has those 3 "sweetener" toggle switches and it seems like something I could easily combine into the fat general.... if I knew how

I have no problem with the buffer from the fat general, as a matter of fact I can't even HEAR it! Its awesome! Just wondering if there is a more elegant solution than using an entire second pcb for the sake of 3 toggle switches

Here are the relevant schematics attached

Fat General (on page 3)

Thanks for your time!
In short you can't.

The General has a standard JFET buffer, the EUNA is NOT A BUFFAH! a "unity gain amplifier" that uses 2 op amp stages to achieve what it does plus a power supply that first of all is totally wrong in the PPCB version would need to be adapted to the same supply as the General.
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