EXAMPLE I made a Terrarium helper class similar to the libDaisy DaisyPod


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To make starting up the Terrarium easier, I modified the libDaisy DaisyPod class to work with this platform. The Pod knobs and switches have been edited to match those on the Terrarium and irrelevant functions like encoder and MIDI support have been removed.

Included are the .cpp/.h files that can be placed in libDaisy, as well as a readme with instructions on how to get it working. To create a new project, I use helper.py to create a Pod project and just edit the #include and class instantiation to use daisy_terrarium.h instead.

I've only tested a few knobs/switches but I'm pretty sure they all should work.

Hope this helps those getting started with the Terrarium platform! I'd be happy to answer any questions.

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