Midi implementation question


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I'm at Neanderthal level of understanding arduino but digging the basics lately to help my kiddo with an ironman helmet. that being said I'm interested in possibly making a kliche or another drive pedal midi ready for my current pedalboard.... I'm already triggering my hxstomp and my reverb with morningstar mc6 pro for songs.. would be cool if I had presets setup and my drive pedals would turn or off with the patches... anybody already have something like that laid out? I have a few nanos and an R4 arduino... just don't know what I'm doing yet.
I've considered adding this sort of functionality to the Intelligent Relay Bypass module but I'm not sure which messages we need to be listening for...
I've considered adding this sort of functionality to the Intelligent Relay Bypass module but I'm not sure which messages we need to be listening for...
I’d think that would be a whole different can of worms- traditionally midi switchers would be only triggered by the program change message.
However with modern processors and their “snapshot” (or “scene”) functionality, they use CC messages to trigger a series of setting changes within the same preset…. And the problem that would cause is, there is no one/standard cc that all devices are going to share, and due to the delay in switching presets, folks tend to lean more on the snapshot/scene method as its seamless and has no delay.
This guy is a ready to go package and the midi CC message can be programmed via the stomp switch and remeber it's CC change as well as it's last state when triggered.... it's a bit pricey for me though so I'm looking for a diy
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