EXAMPLE Pure Data (Pd) JSON file


New member
Hi all,

as I had some trouble getting especially the LEDs right as they must be addressed as control voltages, please find my JSON file here and posting it at the end of the post, too. It should also be included in the Plugdata toolchain at some point, and @Robert it would be great for you to include it in your Github repository too!

So with the alias at the end you can address them as led1/led2, should all be self explanatory.

By the way, I highly recommend using the latest Plugdata, you can flash the daisy directly using the included toolchain, which uses the latest heavy/hvcc, unlike pd2dsy.

Any questions/comments, let me know.

{ "name": "terrarium", "som": "seed", "audio": { "channels": 2 }, "components": { "fs1": { "component": "Switch", "pin": 25 }, "fs2": { "component": "Switch", "pin": 26 }, "sw1": { "component": "Switch", "pin": 10 }, "sw2": { "component": "Switch", "pin": 9 }, "sw3": { "component": "Switch", "pin": 8 }, "sw4": { "component": "Switch", "pin": 7 }, "knob1": { "component": "AnalogControl", "pin": 16 }, "knob2": { "component": "AnalogControl", "pin": 17 }, "knob3": { "component": "AnalogControl", "pin": 18 }, "knob4": { "component": "AnalogControl", "pin": 19 }, "knob5": { "component": "AnalogControl", "pin": 20 }, "knob6": { "component": "AnalogControl", "pin": 21 }, "cvout1": { "component": "CVOuts" }, "cvout2": { "component": "CVOuts" } }, "aliases": { "led1": "cvout2", "led2": "cvout1" } }
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