XFR Builds


Active member
Hey all. I've been intrigued by these circuits containing little audio transformers. Here are some pics of 3 recently completed builds: British Royalty (Greer Royal Velvet), Neurocyton (Greer Soma 63) and Aion Skywave (Hudson Broadcast). They all sound really good. I think my favorite so far is the Neurocyton. They all do their own thing very well, though.
20240421_142902.jpg 20240421_143032.jpg British Royalty in Tayda pre drilled Chromium.

Aion Skywave in Tayda pre drilled violet.

Boo the cat modeling the builds!
Neurocyton in Tayda pre drilled Burnt Orange. 20240421_143100.jpg
I recommend them all!
Nice builds!

I’ve been playing a broadcast clone a lot lately. It’s a favorite. I haven’t done any Greer stuff. I’ll check that out.

That’s a really cool chair. My cat would F that thing up.
Thanks! If you like the Broadcast, I think you will like the Greer stuff.

Our cats have F'd up a lot of our furniture, but they leave that chair alone for some reason.