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    • Jebull
      Jebull replied to the thread Flock + intelligent relay.
      Ohh wonderful! I'm not sure how I got it in my head that it was buffered. Like I said, ignorant haha.. Thank you!!
    • Jebull
      Jebull replied to the thread Flock + intelligent relay.
      I guess most importantly if the buffer for the relay would interfere with the flock?
    • Jebull
      Hey! Would the Intelligent Relay Bypass function well with the Flock Harmonizing Fuzz? Sorry for the ignorant question I just really...
    • Jebull
      Jebull replied to the thread Labrat issues.
      Tried with 500mA, no change. Just a whine, bypassed or not and the Mosfet gets hot.
    • Jebull
      Jebull replied to the thread Labrat issues.
      Hmm. Dang, I was hoping it would be something obvious that I was overlooking. I'm using a OneSpot CS12. Looks like I was using one of...
    • Jebull
      Jebull replied to the thread Labrat issues.
      I just forgot to clip them after I swapped it. I clipped them and reflowed several things, swapped out to another 555 and 2n3904 set...
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    • Jebull
      Jebull replied to the thread Labrat issues.
      I tried reflowing that the socket, and a fresh 555, still the same.
    • Jebull
      Jebull posted the thread Labrat issues in Sushi Box FX.
      Hello, I built a Labrat and I can't seem to figure out why I can't get it to work. The Bassdude I built next fired up first go, no...
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