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    • Q
      Quoshy replied to the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue.
      Did a quick and dirty setup, cutting a pedal supply cable in half and hooking up my lab dc supply: my build takes typ. 440mA at 9V and...
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      Quoshy reacted to Tassieviking's post in the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue with Like Like.
      And please post some pictures, they are very much appreciated around here whether there are problems or not. Include a pedal board shot...
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      Quoshy replied to the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue.
      Don't get me wrong: my Nobelium doesnt sound "bad", probably a lot of decent bass players wouldn't even notice the 2 sound "issues" I...
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      Quoshy reacted to vigilante398's post in the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue with Like Like.
      You are experiencing unusual results from this pedal. If you could provide pictures I can take a look and see if there's anything you...
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      Quoshy reacted to Tassieviking's post in the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue with Like Like.
      Are you using the Palmer PWT-08 power supply ? The best way to check the power supply noise issue is to hook the pedal up to a battery...
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      Quoshy replied to the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue.
      Palmer has 2A output. Thats plenty to supply the Nobelium. Yes it can. Imagine you have 1V headroom. You add 0.5V DC offset. What audio...
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      Quoshy replied to the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue.
      I'm using the power supply built into my Palmer pedalbay40 pedalboard. It was cheap and I dont think its good thats why Ive been...
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      Quoshy replied to the thread Nobelium Build 50kHz issue.
      Thanks. I noticed 2 problems with the sound I get with the Nobelium: 1.Missing dynamic range, specifically a light touch will not...
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      Hi all, been a huge fan of the Noble DI but never wanted to spend 2k and wait a year for the real deal to be shipped to Europe, so when...
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