Da, Comrade, The Soviet Horse Muscle! (Ungula)


Well-known member
So, when I first tried out the EQD Hoof pedal, which the internet absolutely swears by, I was actually pretty underwhelmed by it. I was much more enamored with the EHX Op Amp Big Muff, which I ended up buying (my first pedal in at least 12 years.) Between then and now (honestly, a span of maybe only 9 months) and I had always been curious if I could make a Hoof that sounded good to me.

I know the circuit was supposed to be based on the Green Russian Big Muff, so rather than going with the 2N1308 listed on the build document, I decided what the hell, let's try some MΠ38A transistors. They're both Ge, both NPN, and they're more Russian. Should work. And they do! Not only that, but I was able to get a wide variety of pleasing tones upon testing. Now, that is probably due to being far more experienced dialing in different sounds compared to my first trip to a music store in a few decades. (I sold the Big Muff to help finance pedal building.) I was also able to use up the rest of my awkwardly sized green chicklet caps.

For the enclosure, I decided to keep the "horse" theme but go full on communist with it. A nice red and yellow combo to match either the CCCP flag or McDonald's (take your pick.) I had received an envelope of goodies from @fig, one of which had some prewired clear 5mm LEDs. I chose the Yellow one. I think I'm a full convert to these low-profile LED lenses now. My pedal lights just look so much cooler!

Do svidaniya, and enjoy my self-indulgent yet amateur attempt at pedal glamour photography!

Nice pics! Looks great.
Love the Russian theme, and yes, this LED lenses are great (in either 3 or 5mm sizes), I rarely use other stuff.
Congratulation! That's a very neat build!
I'm also building a war scythe (Hoof reaper clone) that includes a hoof, an octaver and a tonebender in the same pcb.
I will also go for russian NPN transistors (either MP38 or CV7351). Have you considered trying the cleft modifications that are listed in the instructions? I've socketed the related diodes and transistors to compare modded and stock circuits.
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Thanks! I had built a War Scythe previously using the recommended 2N1308 transistors. It sounded good. I wasn't interested in the cleft modifications since I didn't like the sound of the Cloven Hoof demos I had seen online.