Angry Andy + Volume too loud

Domingo L

New member
I want to make my Angry Andy plus not as loud. Unity volume is about 9 o'clock in the 50 watt position. It would be nice if it were at 12 o'clock. Could I change the value of the volume pot? Lower or higher? Or is there a better way? TIA
AT the 100Watt setting it's incredibly loud and the 25 watt is low in volume. I guess everything works fine, I would like better control over the volume. I may add a trimmer before the volume pot
LEDs are loud and obnoxious, but in a good way. There’s really not much you can do about it other than maybe running a compressor limiter in front of it. Chances are, if you’re playing in a band, you’re not going to be switching it mid show.
For better or worse, that's how this pedal is supposed to work. If you do end up using a compressor or limiter, put it AFTER the Andy +.

A trimmer is a good idea, try 100K or larger. Be aware that no trimmer setting will be good for all 3 switch positions.

BTW, this post belongs in the Modifications forum.