Blue Shoe Gai Pan noise


Active member
Just finished the Blue Shoe (pg-14) build. Pedal is kinda cool, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around all the ins and outs of dialing in a good tone with it...

I've heard from other sources (when referring to the JHS production version) that this pedal can be quite noisy.

So far, mine isn't really noisy except in one aspect...

When you turn up the "Push" knob, there is a strange audio interference oscillation that appears in the background... almost like a low feedback "woooowooowooo"... The type you'd hear if you used lots of volume with a big Hollywood guitar...
It sounds like a lower frequency version of a UFO from cheesy 50's sci-fi movies... It gets louder as the "push" knob increases... It becomes barley audible when the "push" knob reaches 9 o'clock or so, but then comes on up... Once you hit the 1-2 o'clock position it goes from just slightly annoying to "um, I think I'm about to break my amp."

Anyway, just curious if this is something anyone else has experienced with this pedal or if perhaps something might be up. Figured I'd ask before going into "troubleshooting" mode, upload photos, etc.


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I haven't built this project, but I do know oscillation can happen if you have the wires too close to each other or components sometimes, I'd see if the noise changes from moving wires around.
First of all show the insides of the build. While we all like to show off our fancy enclosures, it doesn't help with troubleshooting potential issues. ;)
I certainly will do that, I was more or less asking if anyone had built this pedal and had noise when the gain and the push knob were turned up together...
I had that photo already, but to keep below file size I have to take a photo and convert the image... I'll do that in a bit
Been awhile since I built this one, don't recall any oscillation, I'll pull it out tomorrow and check!
I guess that was for a lack of a better term... more like a "feedback" type sound you'd get running a Hollowbody with too much volume/gain... a low pitched "WOOOOOOO" noise

I should have prefaced that I'm using a a strat into a clean Fender Bandmaster amp at bedroom volumes...
You may want to try some shielded wire on the I/O. It reduced a lot of noise on a HM2 build I did.
You know, I've always been curious about that... regarding the paths on the top jack builds... There's really no way to route them in a manner that avoids caps, jfets, etc... It's always going to be running by SOMETHING, and one would expect interference in some way or another...
First of all show the insides of the build. While we all like to show off our fancy enclosures, it doesn't help with troubleshooting potential issues. ;)
Here ya go. I wrapped the +/- as I've seen some do (never really noticed a difference one way or another), all my solder joints are good... My main curiosity is that the "push" and the "gain" knob are both adding forms of gain/boost, and my understanding of the pedal is the "mids" knob does also... Apparently this pedal is a combination of the JHS Superbolt (Supro amp in a box) and the JHS Haunting Mids)... so I was leaning towards my issue being just an undesirable combination of the wrong knobs...
I was hoping maybe someone who had built one could confirm/deny that will happen... The "push" knob does have a J-201 in close proximity.


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Didn't get to mine today, got hung up at our camper all day awaiting furniture deliveries!
Its all good. I had a cheap amazon TL072 chip in it (that have worked fine in all my other pedal builds), but just got some quality ones in and swapped it. looked like the feet weren't quite seated in the socket . I tried it last night in a different amp and it doesn't make any noise, but will try the first guitar/amp combo I used to create the noise...
I did notice my "mids" knob makes a weird sound when adjusting... almost like adjusting an old radio dial ... only when adjusting it though