Blue Shoe Gai Pan


Well-known member
First pedalpcb build! Previously I'd only done kits from BYOC and Musikding, so this was my first time sourcing all the components myself.

I did have some issues initially, coming from not biasing the jfets and also being a member of the backwards LED club, but was able to resolve both of those.
I also didn't have all the right resistors, so I subbed in:
2.2k for 2.7k (R17)
2.2k for 3.3k (R6, R10)
100k for 120k (R18)
10k for 12k (R21, R22)

I definitely took the "don't worry, it'll all be fine" approach to this one. Subsequent builds have been a little more detail oriented.
First bias on jfets (which did work) was Q1 - 9v Q2 - 9v Q3 - 7.75v
Current bias is all 3 a 10.7v, which I think I like better.

Going to have some sound samples soon, but I've been too busy just enjoying playing it. Very powerful EQ section, there are so many different tones in this thing.


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