Choice of tube in Particle Acclerator?


Active member
Just curious if anyone has chosen a lower gain tube to use in their PA and if a 12AT7 is safe.

I find the 12AX7 to have just a little to much gain. 12AT7 or 5751 seems like the best obvious choice but I’m not sure with the AT7 having such high of plate current draw and I’ve had 5751s that tested in the 90s gain range.

Thoughts? I’ve also considered a 12AZ7 and 12AY7. It’s just so difficult getting the tube in and out without damaging something in my experience.

With a 12AX7 I have to leave the bass below 9 with treble around 11 and mid around 1-2. Gain around 1-2 as well for a gritty breakup. Seems a lower gain tube would allow a little more range out of the controls. Especially the eq section.

I'm using a 5751 in mine and I actually find the opposite, I want a bit more gain out of it - it only starts to break up with the gain almost at or at max. AT7 should be totally fine, I have had one in my Space Heater since its birth. You should even be okay with an AY7 even with the higher current draw - I played with an AY7 in my Space Heater for a bit and nothing caught fire (I eventually pulled it because I didn't like it as much as the AT7 that I originally chose to be in there).

Whenever I build a Sushi Box/C2CE build, I always pry open the tube socket pins a bit before boxing it - I find that the sockets can be extremely tight fresh from the package, and loosening them up really helps with tube rolling.
but I’m not sure with the AT7 having such high of plate current draw
The ratings are the limit for that tube, not what it will draw when used.
The rest of the circuit determines the current flowing in the tube. (apart from the heaters)
As long as the ratings are above what is needed it will be fine.

Just because the speedo in a car says max 260 kph does not mean that is the only speed the car can drive at.