Creamsicle Fuzz (Fuzzdog Warp Sound)


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Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
My first Fuzzdog build. Went very smoothly considering I’ve been mostly doing Pedalpcb boards. Sound wise this sounds exactly like the vorg/pearl warp sound fuzz except that mine seems to have a bit more gain than the original. I think this is because this version uses newer dual opamps compared to the original ( I used two jrc4885d because I found a few sources for them). It’s a wall of fuzz. Forget extended chords with this because you can’t hear the individual notes at all. It’s just all the fuzz at once. Even when you turn the fuzz down it’s still a wall of fuzz. The envelope knob is interesting. It’s basically a fixed wah, which is good for different tones for lead lines.


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