Daisy Seed & OLED


Village Idiot
I bought a bag of little OLED screens to integrate with the Daisy seed, and hopefully use it in a build. I'll start by running the example included in the Examples repository & libdaisy.
They are 27mm x 27mm with 2 lines of yellow / 6 lines of blue.
4-pin connection Vcc, GND, serial clock, serial data.


...tbc in the Test Kitchen
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Looking forward to seeing more in the Test Kitchen about using these. Where did you get these?
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Looking forward to seeing more in the Test Kitchen about using these. Where did you get these?
I've continued this over at Fig's Bench thread...to help reel in scattered project threads like this one.

These were at Am@zon. Mouser carries some, as does Adafruit, sparkfun, etc. The libdaisy contains support for an SSD1306/1309 controlled display. There are several display variations available that use that controller (number of pins, number of lines, etc).
Currently, I'm trying to track down an error being thrown during compilation of the included test program. I've some different displays on the way to see if the error is a result of incompatibility with the display module.
Input and ideas are always welcome!