Dwarven Hammer (precision drive)


Well-known member
2nd pedal build.




damn these pcbs are so good to work with.
no issues. everything fits so well
(unless you end up using a fat greencap like i did, cos 82n wasn’t available in box film)
but the pedal: it’s great. crisp and clean. does the job.
but glad i built one instead of buying one though...in australia the real thing is AUD$380 (vs. $75 for a boss sd-1)

also step drill bits are the absolute best for drilling chassis holes.
Very well done, for 2nd pedal or 200th!
Do you like it? How does it sound?
at first, my impression of it was a bit 'meh'.

but after trying it out properly with different guitars, and also into a DAW with plugins (dual recto, recto cab IRs), I am thoroughly impressed!

bright control is nuts. way brighter than your usual tone control on drive pedals. anywhere past halfway/noon and it gets too brittle/sharp (normally have it at ~2oclock). but this is ok, just don't turn it up too high.

drive control seems 'softer' than what I'm used to, needed to give it a bit more than usual, and that's ok too.

volume control, not much to say. it sounds bigger and punchier the more you turn it up. I have it almost all the way up. doesn't fart out at all when maxed.

the 'attack' control is very handy and effective. 8 settings/positions, lowest setting being the 'fattest'/loose/boomy and as you turn it up it gets 'thinner'/tighter/sharper. i guess it's like a variable high pass filter?
my limited understanding of the circuit is that this attack control selects different cap values in a section of the negative feedback circuit to the inverting input of the first opamp stage, therefore boosting a select range of frequencies.
i found the '4th' setting (10-11o'clock) to be just right. shapes the overall tone so well.
Which software are you running your amp sims through, if you don't mind me asking?

The tone selection sounds similar (if not identical...I haven't checked) to a Fulltone Ranger or Rangefinder.

Thanks for the review!
Which software are you running your amp sims through, if you don't mind me asking?

The tone selection sounds similar (if not identical...I haven't checked) to a Fulltone Ranger or Rangefinder.

Thanks for the review!

interface - (line 6 gx)
DAW - garageband (whatever version corresponds to OS10.13, running on an old 2012 mac mini)

LePou lecto (free plugin, dual rectifier)
amplitube SLO100 model (was on offer for free in March)
a few ML sound labs models (x1 bought, x2 freebies)

NadIR - IR loader
IRs - 'gods cab' (full size recto cab) - 57; 421 mics