EmuAmpSim Upgrade?


New member
Hi all,

I am very new to all of this but am interested in learning more.

I'm interested in building the EmuAmpSim pedal which is based on the SansAmp GT2. I love analog and am longing for a dual amp stereo pedal. I currently use 2 TCE Ampworx pedals in parallel to achieve a sound I like.

Here is my thought, what do you think about, in essence, combining 4 EmuAmpSims into 1 pedal that can toggle between 2 stereo sounds? See drawing.

EmuAmpSim Idea.png
You would need an enclosure that's 14" wide or longer, the emu PCB is 3.3" wide. Not sure if you can get one that big that's not custom.

Do you want all four channels fully configurable like that? Does a stereo pair need different settings for L/R?

One thing you could do is have some of the knobs or switches doubled. Then your footswitch could change between the two settings. It's a common way to do a DIY "preset", if you will.
You are right, that enclosure would be too big.
That's why I was thinking, perhaps you would only need 2 EmuAmpSim boards, as only 2 would be activated at any given time. The 2 boards would be controlled by the knobs and switches that correspond to which side you are active in (ie. clean or dirty).
Hammond 1456PH1WHBU (white & blue or 1456PH1BKBU black & blue or 1456PH1BKBK black on black)
A 10º-sloping 356 x 211 x 76 x 38 mm enclosure. [14"x8.3"x3"x1.5"]
BKBK is my favourite.

There are other Hammonds that are 14" wide, with a steeper pitch between front and back so I think the 10º is best;
the 10º 14"-er also comes with wood sides as an option: 1456PH1WHCWW. Very classy.

So you're going to go with stereo with left channel clean and right channel dirty?

I like jcpst's idea. Wire up dual controls...

Another idea: switch between two boards, but all the controls are concentric stacked-knobs — going up instead of across will save some real-estate. You'd need to figure out height of the enclosure to house the two stacked PCBs and a way to secure the PCBs since all the controls would be offboard-wired...

Guitar > Pedal-Bypass control > channel selector A/B
Channel A > signal splitter for Stereo​
Channel B > signal splitter for Stereo​
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Guitar > Pedal-Bypass control > channel selector A/B
Channel A > signal splitter for Stereo
Channel B > signal splitter for Stereo

Why didn’t I think of that 😅
This would be more my speed anyways as I’m still a noob.

I think I’ll start with building 1 of the EmuAmpSim pedals and see how it goes. If I like it, maybe I’ll do 3 more. 😀

I appreciate all help. This community is friendly.
Something like this but using EmuAmpSim pedals. I would have to run stereo wet effects after the rolls output. Gonna need a bigger board.