Fairchild 2n3903’s hfe in 80’s at AIONFX


Well-known member
Stumbled across these and thought they’d be great for the Carbon Fuzz and other circuits that require low hfe silicon BJT’s. Just got some in and they all seem to be in the low to mid 80 hfe.

For whatever reason, description on below link says 2n3904. Once you click on it, you’ll see they’re actually 2n3903’s.

The ones at Mouser are the ones I purchased before. They’re typically 115-125 hfe, as opposed to those FSC’s from Aion in the 80’s. They sound fine with the Carbon, but the others sound noticeably better. Less high end, tinny fuzz with the lower hfe ones.

I’ll have to try the Carbon with two of the higher gain 3903’s for Q1 & Q3 and throwing the lower gain in Q2 to see what it sounds like.

Also, if you get more than 100 from Aion they’d $0.25 a piece.
Stumbled across these and thought they’d be great for the Carbon Fuzz and other circuits that require low hfe silicon BJT’s. Just got some in and they all seem to be in the low to mid 80 hfe.

For whatever reason, description on below link says 2n3904. Once you click on it, you’ll see they’re actually 2n3903’s.

Google: The 2N3903 and 2N3904 are basically the same (the only real difference seems to be that the 04 has twice the gain and better bandwidth)