Flexible rotary switch clipping option PCB


Well-known member
Such a PCB has come up in prior threads before, although sometimes tangentially - e.g.:
  1. https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/rotary-switch-clipping-diodes-1p8t.12478/post-132243
  2. https://forum.pedalpcb.com/threads/the-dreaded-diode-debate.16285/post-190376
I do see 2 other vendors with such a PCB for clipping options (+ one vero):
  1. https://www.zerogiod.com/product/12-poaition-rotary-clipping-daughterboard On the plus side, it supports 12-position rotary switch, so tons of options - probably too many for an actual pedal, though. But it's huge & not very space efficient. And while it has many options, they're already explicitly spelled out for the user, so not fully flexible.
  2. https://guitarpcb.com/product/roto-tone/ This is 6-position but kindly smaller are, more space-efficient, and more flexible re: options.
  3. https://effectslayouts.blogspot.com/2015/05/rotary-clipping-switch.html A vero option.
It seems to me that 3-4 positions is probably enough for a given pedal (you can try a lot more via breadboard, and then narrow it down to the best 3-4). 4 might be best as you (@Robert, that is) already sell a 2P4T rotary switch. I think the PCB should be user-flexible regarding the # of clipping devices (e.g., 1 vs 2 parallel devices) per switch position, with possibly 1-2 switch positions providing further options (e.g., perhaps supporting series clipping elements within in a path).

Added thought: And the PCB also could allow for DIP socket(s) for user flexibility.

@Robert - so what do you think? I know you could make an excellent utility board for this.
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