Isosceles Boost Bausatz - oscillating?


New member
Hi Guys, i'm new to this forum, my name is Martin i'm from Austria and already build some of the Pedal Pcb Pedals like the Cold Turkey,
Parentheses Mini Fuzz and the Uberdrive and 2 Isosceles Boost.
But i've got some problems with both Isosceles Boost Pedals - it seems like that they are oscillating in a not hearable frequency. I noticed that, when conecting my JCM800 to a dummyload and connect the Isosceles Boost in front of the amp - when switching on the boost without playing or anything, the statuslamp on the Dummyload goes nuts - like i play with full blast. I also recongnized that the powersupply (tried 3 different) begins to produce a very high frequency (like a old TV) - but onyl when the boost is conected - conecting a different Pedal the frequency is gone.

The pedal works like it should but i cant explain this strang behavior.
Any ideas?
Thanks guys
