Jeds Peds Axis Fuzz


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4.00 star(s)
This is the Jed’s Peds clone of the Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz. This was actually my second attempt at this board because I fried the first one messing with components since it didn’t work right off the bat. This second one didn’t work at first either but I found the problem. I figured out after looking at different schematics from different versions of this pedal that the 2.2 meg resistor in the input section completely kills the signal. So I first pulled it and the pedal worked but was very aggressive so I put a 1 meg resistor in and it seemed to tame the aggression and make the pedal usable. Soundwise this thing is pretty awesome. It’s clear but chunky and can get really nasty with the fuzz knob all the way up. I also tried it with a power starve out on my pedal power supply and it does the broken messed up fuzz quite nicely.


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