Kliché Mini ::: not any sound


New member
Hi all,
I return with another strange error in my work, the Kliché Mini got ligth every elemet got voltio value, but no sound, i put the foot sitch by cable even by the piece given to solder into, it could be the problem, but i follow the wire of it by the pdf to use even cable. it got light so i think this couldnt be
attached some pictures

Thanks for your time, could be any mistake but i didnt found


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From the pictures I think you wired the footswitch wrong.
Edit: Sorry. The wiring on the Kliché Mini is different.

Maybe the MKT condenser is broken, cause you attached the soldering iron on it. Check every single resistor.
yes i saw now, i chek it and every resistor, thanks @TillMack

Post a picture underneath, maybe there is a cold solder joint.

C2 which is your capacitor that is melted from the soldering iron is in front of the input of the other IC and the other side went though the out Remind, that there also some parts between them, but if this one is broken, no signal come through.
Usually film caps are not that sensitive when they have a small melt in my experience, but I think you should check that.
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Post a picture underneath, maybe there is a cold solder joint.

C2 which is your capacitor that is melted from the soldering iron is in front of the input of the other IC and the other side went though the out Remind, that there also some parts between them, but if this one is broken, no signal come through.
Usually film caps are not that sensitive when they have a small melt in my experience, but I think you should check that.
yes this was the reason that i didnt take care about it, i upload soldering back IMG_20240517_210158.jpg
ill clean soon, its but at this resolution looks better any issue. Tks
well there are some sport, that are really messy!
I'm sure the problem is your soldering job. There a too many parts that have too less soldering lead.
Look at your purple wire, there is a lead that attache the green wire. You should always tint the wires with soldering lead before soldering.
It's just a small step and avoid many problems while soldering wires.
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