Low Tide Modulator - Tayda Drill Coordinates


Reverse Engineer
Low Tide Modulator Drill Coordinates for Tayda Custom Drill Service
Enclosure size: 1590BB

Note: The diameters listed are for a raw aluminum enclosure. Add 0.2mm to all diameters for powdercoated enclosure.

X = -8.3
Y = -21.3
D = 6.4 (5mm LED lens, adjust accordingly)

X = -31.8
Y = -40.3
D = 12.0

X = -29.2
Y = 42.3
D = 7.15

X = 0
Y = 42.3
D = 7.15

X = 29.2
Y = 42.3
D = 7.15

X = -29.2
Y = 11.9
D = 7.15

X = 0
Y = 11.9
D = 7.15

X = 29.2
Y = 11.9
D = 7.15

X = 0
Y = -20.3
D = 9.525

X = 0
Y = -39.9
D = 9.525

X = 6.7mm
Y = 27.1mm
D = 7.9375
I haven’t got one of these PCBs but I’m excited to see the build reports coming through.
Any plans on adding the drill coordinates to the PDF? Honestly having the basic coordinates listed in the PDF for all the new documents going forward, and having them listed on the wiki, would be super handy. Finding this took some searching.
What I'd really really love is coordinates for dual switch 125bs like the terrarium.