Magnetron Delay: Momentary Feedback Switch?

A couple options come to mind to get you started thinking. I haven't tried them myself. I sketched up quick schematics snippets.

Option 1:
1. Soft touch SPST momentary switch
2. Simple mod to implement
1. Feedback knob position affects oscillation amount
2. Delay Level could also be affected by the position of the Feedback knob
3. At low Feedback knob levels, the repeats could be shorted to ground entirely

Option 2:
1. Oscillation amount is completely isolated from the Feedback knob
1. DPDT momentary stomp switches usually feel clunkier than the SPST (at least the ones I've tried)
2. I'm not sure if there will be any click in the repeats sound when the switch is pressed

Admittedly neither of these solutions are perfectly elegant, so I assume there's a better way. (Maybe a more complex transistor switching arrangement). Option 1 should be easy to try out on your build with just alligator clips, Option 2 would require some more surgery. Keep looking around the net for PT2399 solutions like you already have been. Please report back if you find something or if you test out the above methods.


  • pt2399 oscillation.PNG
    pt2399 oscillation.PNG
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Hi There, first of all sorry for the very late reply. Thanks for your answer. I did some research but unfortunately I wasn't able to finde useful information, but still want to do this mod ;) The one review for the pedal on the PedalPCB-Main site says "I added a havoc switch that sends the feedback into oscillation, which just made it perfect for my needs" so apparently there is an easy (!?) Way to do it :)
I wrote that review! All I did was add a spst stomp switch with one side to the middle lug of the feedback pot and the other lug goes to a trim pot then attaches to lug 3. The oscillation is still dependent on the feedback knob position and the trimmer helps fine tune it.

Jimi is describing (functionally) my option 1. He reversed pins 2&3 of the fdbk pot compared to mine, but in this case that doesn’t matter, since you’re just switching in the trimmer as a smaller resistor between pins 2&3.
A couple options come to mind to get you started thinking. I haven't tried them myself. I sketched up quick schematics snippets.

Option 1:
1. Soft touch SPST momentary switch
2. Simple mod to implement
1. Feedback knob position affects oscillation amount
2. Delay Level could also be affected by the position of the Feedback knob
3. At low Feedback knob levels, the repeats could be shorted to ground entirely

Option 2:
1. Oscillation amount is completely isolated from the Feedback knob
1. DPDT momentary stomp switches usually feel clunkier than the SPST (at least the ones I've tried)
2. I'm not sure if there will be any click in the repeats sound when the switch is pressed

Admittedly neither of these solutions are perfectly elegant, so I assume there's a better way. (Maybe a more complex transistor switching arrangement). Option 1 should be easy to try out on your build with just alligator clips, Option 2 would require some more surgery. Keep looking around the net for PT2399 solutions like you already have been. Please report back if you find something or if you test out the above methods.

sorry to bother you ;)
I'm going to do this great mod to my Disaster Transport JR (Cataclysm Delay). I just try with alligator clips + 1k resistor and a momentary switch and it works! :)

is there a method to increase the duration of the repetitions while I hold down the momentary switch?
Normally I use a short delay and closed tone (ala Carbon Copy style).

Hi. Do you mean make the time between repeats (controlled by the time knob)?

you could use a DPDT momentary switch. One part of the switch does the feedback like my “Option 1:” way. Then the other part of the switch toggles between the time knob and an internal trimmer.

but, I think there is a chance of some click sounds when the time is changed. Soyou could experiment, but I think that mod may have some problems.
I wrote that review! All I did was add a spst stomp switch with one side to the middle lug of the feedback pot and the other lug goes to a trim pot then attaches to lug 3. The oscillation is still dependent on the feedback knob position and the trimmer helps fine tune it.


I’m interested in doing this. Can you help me understand the wiring a bit? So the SPST can be wired either way, just one wire goes to the 2nd leg of the pot and one goes to a 25k trimmer leg, while another of that trimmer’s legs gets soldered to the 3rd leg of the pot?

Does it matter which trimmer leg you solder the spst to and to the 3rd pot leg?

You can use any outer trimmer leg plus the middle wiper

You're using the trimmer as a variable resistor so the middle plus either outer leg or you can jumper 1 outer to the middle wiper as one side of your 'resistor' and the other outer leg as the other side

PT2399 delays it should work

FV1 I dont know enough about to know if you can manipulate it once it leaves the chip

All you're doing with PT2399 delays is altering the resistance on the feedback pot lug 2