Montavillian Echo?


Active member
Any thoughts on coming up with a pcb for the Catalinbread Montavillian?
Is it a PT2399 ?

I'm considering the "Magnetron Delay" (magnetic Echo) but the Montavillian sounds a bit smoother to me.
They have different feature sets (I haven’t played either), but are both based on the pt2399. The eqd disaster transport has the same knobs as the montavillian, so its probably just differences in how they approaches the filtering, and subtle differences on the dry path (apparently the montavillian uses a burr brown op amp). So the eqd build on here might get you close and you could do some experimenting, but no one has traced the montavillian exactly that I’ve seen online.
thanks - didn't know that re eqd disaster transport - possibly a BB OPA2134 with higher rail voltage? I'll have to check it out.