oasis problem


New member
Hi i m new in the forum,
I tried to mount the oasis kit but something didnt work, initially there was only the 3-position switch that in one of the three made a strange sound similar to a gloomy fuzz, and raising the volume over 70% became mute .
Then it started to stop working even in the central position, and now it only goes to the left position. the other things seem to work, only bandwith I dont feel the difference from one position to another.
I dont understand what I could have done wrong, I checked several times. I will try to unsolder the switch to check it.

What else could it be?
Did you wait for toggle tabs to cool down between soldering Toggle switch.
You should solder one Pad, PAUSE, Skip the next, Solder next Pad, Wait a Minute!!!
Repeat process to missed Tab.
Remove the Damaged Toggle and for testing, try a jumper wire from Middle Pad to End Pad on PCB to see if it functions, Repeat jumper wire from Middle Pad to opposite End Pad & see if that works
I removed the switch that got ruined by too much heat. without that there is no sound. in the central position + right it works, central + left plays but no gain control that remains at zero.
I must say that during assembly due to misleading instructions I soldered the inverted LED d5 and to remove it it was a disaster, I ruined the PCB at that point, so I connected the LED directly with a wire connecting the left pin of 2n7000 ( q3) with the pin of the IC1 next to the diode d3
Sorry, Without pictures it's hard to decipher what is being talked about.
This looks like the alternative's you have.
With a Digital Multi Meter, Do a Continuity check on the ones I highlighted
Oasis Fix.jpg
ok today i will do this, but the pcb also has a circuit on the opposite side, is there anything that could be interrupted?
If it was me, I would place the LED directly on these 2 points underneath.
The LED Long leg (Anode) at 22k Red dot. The short leg (Cathode) at 2N7000 Green dot.

Oasis LED placement.jpg
that's what I did but it didn't seem to work well, so I moved to the opa2134 pin, but it still doesn't work.
another strange thing is that the LED turns on as soon as I connect the power, even if the foot switch is set to off, and changes intensity by changing the position of the 3-position switch.

I have to check what you were saying before, however it would be useful to have a drawing on the back of the pcb to see if the led connects something even on that side