Stone Deaf Tremotron (because mucho LEDs)


Well-known member
This is a somewhat silly wishlist post but I love this pedal design. I first saw it on That Pedal Show years ago. The LEDs that indicate the level on the potentiometers are sweet. It's a cool tremolo too but other tremolos can do the same tricks... I really just like the LEDs. Would it be possible to make a little pcb for a adding LEDs to potentiometers on other projects? just a thought. heres some demos.
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Would it be possible to make a little pcb for a adding LEDs to potentiometers on other projects? just a thought. heres some demos.

It can be a little tricky depending on the circuit you're adding it do... If it's digitally controlled (like I suspect the Tremotron is) it's as simple as lighting up the correct number of LEDs depending on the position of the pot since you already have a numeric value for the pot position.

If it's a completely analog control the easiest way to do it would be a dual-gang pot, one gang for the audio circuit and the other to sense the position of the pot. You'll still need some sort of decoder, whether it be CMOS or a microcontroller, to calculate and light the appropriate number of LEDs.