Twill build question: 2PDT and 3PDT work?


Active member
Hi all,
I am looking into breadboarding the twill to see what it sounds like. I guess the gain switch requires one stomp connection and another for the led. Any reason i can’t use a dpdt stomp? It will save a buck but also space.

I am also interested to try some red leds in the clipping stage. They are like noisier than bats though.

If you're breadboarding it you don't really need a switch at all, just connect/disconnect ground at the junction of the gain pot lugs 1/2 and R5 to switch channels. you could use a dpdt though for sure if you want the led and all.
If you're breadboarding it you don't really need a switch at all, just connect/disconnect ground at the junction of the gain pot lugs 1/2 and R5 to switch channels. you could use a dpdt though for sure if you want the led and all.
Thanks. Good point. i can just wire it directly on the bb and remove the jumper to test with and without the gain.
