DEMO [Vero] mxr phase 90

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a little while back someone was talking to me about their failed/struggled attempts to build this circuit (…something about not being able to set the bias correctly without getting ticking)
with that in mind, the necessity to use matched JFETs… geez i certainly had doubts about having any real success, but i went ahead and ordered x2 matched quads of 2N5952 and some 2N4125 from banzai anyway. just to see if i could do it really. never played a phaser before…

before i got started, i had a look at the schematic and decided i was also going to measure and match the (22K, 47nf+10K, 10K) components at each stage block, as well as the JFETs.


built the recommended jfet matcher, measured all 8, and picked the closest set of 4.

so with all the doubt and apprehension i had towards this circuit, i decided i wasn’t going to bother wiring it up inside any kind of enclosure until i could actually hear it functioning properly.
no switch, no LED, no nonsense, just wanna hear the circuit, so this is where it’s up to:


well, of course, because i doubted, it worked immediately.
got it running today :)
yeah it’s probably too soon to be posting a build report, but at least i have a rough demo to share 🤪

only trouble is, there’s a bit of ticking with the ‘script switch’ engaged.
i haven’t really had a close look just yet, but i suspect this might have something to do with the bias setting(?), and perhaps balancing the bias setting between ‘script switch’ engaged on or off? we’ll see..
so far i only really preset the bias knob to 2.4v at the gates before installing the JFETs, and found it sounded pretty good on first test.

i’ve decided i love this effect and will be putting it in a nice hammond enclosure real soon.
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a little while back someone was talking to me about their failed/struggled attempts to build this circuit (…something about not being able to set the bias correctly without getting ticking)
with that in mind, the necessity to use matched JFETs… geez i certainly had doubts about having any real success, but i went ahead and ordered x2 matched quads of 2N5952 and some 2N4125 from banzai anyway. just to see if i could do it really. never played a phaser before…

followed this layout:
View attachment 38496

before i got started, i had a look at the schematic and decided i was also going to measure and match the (22K, 47nf+10K, 10K) components at each stage block, as well as the JFETs.

View attachment 38490

View attachment 38486

built the recommended jfet matcher, measured all 8, and picked the closest set of 4.
View attachment 38489

measuring the JFETs in this way was indeed a therapeutic process. it felt a lot like this scene:
View attachment 38494

so with all the doubt and apprehension i had towards this circuit, i decided i wasn’t going to bother wiring it up inside any kind of enclosure until i could actually hear it functioning properly.
no switch, no LED, no nonsense, just wanna hear the circuit, so this is where it’s up to:

View attachment 38493

well, of course, because i doubted, it worked immediately.
got it running today :)
yeah it’s probably too soon to be posting a build report, but at least i have a rough demo to share 🤪

only trouble is, there’s a bit of ticking with the ‘script switch’ engaged.
i haven’t really had a close look just yet, but i suspect this might have something to do with the bias setting(?), and perhaps balancing the bias setting between ‘script switch’ engaged on or off? we’ll see..
so far i only really preset the bias knob to 2.4v at the gates before installing the JFETs, and found it sounded pretty good on first test.

i’ve decided i love this effect and will be putting it in a nice hammond enclosure real soon.
My PPCB build also has some ticking on the Script side.....seems like a theme?
My PPCB build also has some ticking on the Script side.....seems like a theme?
I have some weirdness with the script side too.

yeah.. im thinking since the switch is basically a NFB tap, maybe shielded switch wiring might help, idk (at least on the long run that goes over all the opamps and fets)

still gotta play with the bias a bit yet.

Sounds great! Put a little fuzz in front of it and you got it
That sounds awesome

many thanks!
can’t wait to try it through something that actually sounds good 🤪
so far only tested it through the MS-2

(it’s not that the amplifier itself is bad, it’s just that the tiny buzzy 2” speaker really lets it down… makes for a real convenient test rig though)

it honk you just gave me my next vero build!
ayy that’s the spirit! looking forward to seeing it 🤙
alright @MichaelW @homebrewtj
ive done some fiddling and adjustment with the bias setting and the ‘script switch’ modes, and this is the conclusion i’ve come to:

- the two different modes require a slightly different ‘ideal bias setting/range’. that’s it.

-i did find it is possible to set it so that the two modes operate and ‘swoosh’ ok, and without any ticking. but the downside is that the ‘swooshing’ behaviour/oscillation pattern/timing just isn’t quite right in either mode.

so i guess you kinda have to choose your preferred mode and bias to that setting, so that you can actually have it precisely set to your desired oscillation behavior/pattern.
(kinda defeats the purpose of an external switch :unsure:)

but that’s fine, to me, i like it much better without the switch engaged.
the ‘script switch engaged’ (block?) mode to me just sounds worse in every way. overly compressed, less dynamic, less depth, just more dead and boring sounding. probably not gonna keep it.

ordered a burnt orange 125B last night! can’t wait to box this up 🤟
I built this vero and had a thump in the a script side. Which I did t have originally (my toddler gave the pedal a good toss one day 🤦‍♂️). Anyways it was all trimmer action for me I was able to get rid of the thump and any ticking that I noticed at least that way. One suggestion give read is to lift the wiper on the trimmer and attach it to the leg of another trimmer say 10 or 25k. Then attach the wiper of that one to the board and attach leg 1 to ground set the 250k to where you are getting good phasing (you might find the sweet spot and to a hair lower too) and then fine tune it with the other trimmer. Probably be easier with a little daughterboard, I found the 250k got it close enough for me but if you really want to fine tune it.