Yeah, that trace width is suspect but it'll probably work because fabs are fab.
Might want to think about your placement as well, that B50K (tone?) is surrounded by components. When it comes time to solder, you're going to be swearing or melting components or both. Heavens forbid if you want to desolder that pot.
I'd make your IO pads 2.54mm spacing so you can use pin headers if it floats your boat.
Was this manually routed or did you use an auto-router?
It IS a puzzle game. The secret is breaking your signal flow into chunks and grouping them together as efficiently as possible, then connecting them to the next group with as short as trace as you can.
Short traces into amplifying components (ICs, transistors) is always a good idea.
Or just throw shit on the board and hit auto-route. I've seen worse..
Also, using PPCB standard dimensions for pot placements are really nice on whoever eventually builds one of these.