AionFx Lithium (Small Clone)


Well-known member
This build might be my best sounding pedal yet, so it may time for me to retire ... nah, I'm having such a great time building.

The build went really smooth from the beginning until the end, well almost. I've bought this PCB and the Polaris together during March sale knowing that both those would require some pricey parts and had problem sourcing them for both, but the Polaris is another thread that may come in a couple months.

So for the Lithium, I tried sourcing some original MN3007 from a seller that had good reviews, at 2.50 each, I had a pretty good idea that both would be fakes, but who knows. I sources the other IC's from Tayda, and then had to order parts from Mouser and just ordered spares. I ended putting the Mouser ones in to start because I figured I would spend less time debugging if the MN3007 turned out to be bad.

I usually like to put a battery in my builds, but this time, no space for that, I did not even tried. So when I first plugged it in, big disappointment... it's not working and trying biasing it made no difference. I audio probed it a bit to see if the problem was really the MN3007. All pots seemed to work fine, I could hear the rate clicking and everything, so I ordered an XVive 3007 from @Cabintech. Received it two days ago and immediately popped it in. The bias seemed good, and was in fact on the perfect spot.

That circuit it just totally doing what it is supposed to do, no unwanted noise. Really happy with it. My wife tried it and ended up playing almost an hour with it, I should have recorded some demo.

Since it's mostly known for being used on some Nirvana songs, I've made it a discrete gloss over matte enclosure design. The rest is part of the periodic elements table, with the Lithium highlighted.


Pictured with the bad mn3007
That looks freaking awesome! I love the Small Clone, my favorite Chorus pedal. I've built the GuitarPCB version (Mini-Me) and the MBP version (Touchstone). They sound identical so I probably won't be tempted to build the Aion version.....maybe......I dunno.......I might.....cuz it's got one more knob....... :ROFLMAO:
Damn, it's a "mix" control......sigh....I guess I'm ordering it........
I did not build those other versions, but that Mix knob is a nice feature, worth it in my opinion.
AionFX Docs : The original Small Clone had a fixed proportion of dry and wet signals mixed in the last op-amp stage.
One thing worth mentioning : I have been really picky on the components used in this build. I've measured all the components I had on hand and used only values that were the closest to the values required. I don't know if it was that important, but I thought that this circuit could be less forgiving.