building a big "dummy box" SCHMORG



I cut a bunch of pieces out ages ago but other music stuff took over priority- I finally got back and glued this one together.
Eventually this box will probably house my vocal effects but first I'm going to use it for testing a hair-brained parallel drive idea that I must attempt.
It's small enough that I'm planning to power everything with a 1-Spot that plugs into a face-plate along with the In/Out jacks.. We'll see how that works.
I didn't use any shielding yet just to test if I hear any difference 🤷‍♂️

Looks like this will just end in tiers...
I was just checking out your Wavelord build report, which led me to this. The Schmorg is awesome. I love everything about this pedal board.
My bandmates and I are starting to take our songs out to play live, so I had to figure out a way to transport my SCHMORG boxes.

I found that the small box I use for my vocals fit perfectly into this Anvil case- I didn't measure it or anything, it just fits by pure luck and coincidence:



Boxing my bigger SCHMORG that I use for guitar was a bit more work, but I had an idea along the way that saved me a bunch of build-time and material weight, which was re-building this old hand-me-down Samsonite suitcase:


In the beginning, the suitcase was way too deep and the shells were too flimsy to mount anything to, but I noticed that the whole pedalboard could fit inside the larger shell.
I then disassembled the smaller side of the suitcase, removing the plastic shell from the metal hoop that hinges and latches the sides together.
I traced the hoop on a scrap of plywood and cut it out with my trusty jigsaw:


After re-assembling the suitcase with the plywood bottom, I had a spare plastic shell- so I just stacked it onto the top shell which adds another layer of protection:


I added a handle to the plywood bottom so that the weight of the pedalboard doesn't strain the suitcase latches and hinges.
Inside is nothing special- just some quick mounts to hold everything in place while I'm carrying it around:



I'd like to take it apart and re-finish it to look a bit nicer like my other gear, but that's not a priority right now- I got the effects safely to the venue and back this weekend, which was the goal!
Wait a second… so you are telling me one of us is an actual musician that plays for real people that aren’t your kids and don’t tell you to stop?….. well ain’t that some shit.

There are a few of us outliers and pariahs around:

The biggest challenge is always finding a group that works well together, and I'm eternally fortunate to have these absolute fucking animals by my side:


@dawson how's the schmorg holding up to RFI? I recall you mentioning possibly taping the internals at one point.
If you haven't and it turns out to be an issue, could always copper clad the outside with copper flashing. Probably easier and it would grow a cool patina over time.
Hey, @jwin615!

The inside of the larger SCHMORG is shielded with copper tape and has a sheet-metal bottom-plate. No interference issues there.

*What's interesting is the smaller SCHMORG that I use for vocal effects is not shielded at all, other than the aluminum face-plates. All of the grounds are connected with a daisy chain, but that's it. No interference issues there either..

Who knows- maybe I'm just getting lucky, and one day I'll find a room that punishes my ignorance ⚡⚡⚡
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