Designing a parallel looper with remote switching


Well-known member
I have some options, and I'm looking for any warnings if I'm making this too much of a PITA or it's just a bad idea.

My pedalboard can be broadly looked at as having two stages:
  • First, various synth/octave pedals
  • Second, stages of dirt
I have a 4-channel programmable loop switcher I'm using.
I want to run all my pitch-tracking synth pedals in parallel, then feed that into rest of the chain.

The Musicom Parallelizer can do what I want here. I can control via MIDI from my loop switcher.
However, I don't need stereo, and then I saw these:
Either one of these could pair with my loop switcher nicely, since it supports an additional 8 channels of CC/Note messages.

What I'm not sure is if it's a better idea to get the 8 ch relay, or built the relay switchers into the pedals themselves and use a mixer instead of a parallel looper.

Here's a diagram of what I'm trying to:

I don't think I have an answer but my setup is somewhat similar and I have been pondering what to do with mine. Do you currently use MIDI in your setup? For the switching do you use one of the synths and dirt sections at a time or do you use 2 or more at any time?
I am using MIDI, but only sending PC messages from my loop switcher to a DL-4 that’s in the effects loop.

I have various dirt (rat, green ringer, prunes & custard, TS) that I’ll stack. Right now I only use one synth pedal (POG), but I have an Underminer and Heterodyne Receiver that I want to blend together before pushing it into the dirt.

A lot of times I use the loop switcher in manual mode, but my band has songs where presets make for better transitions. Basically I want to be able to program which synth pedals in the parallel blend are on.

Maybe I should just move on and get the parallelizer 🙄