Dirt Dauber


Well-known member
I cannot let an octave/sub pedal go by without taking a crack at building it. As I said elsewhere, I like this on both bass and guitar but think it especially shines on guitar with the extra footswitch to bring the octave in and out. The fuzz alone sounds good and the octave brings that glitchy, captain bitty goodness. While I think this one's fantastic, I have several others that I prefer for different reasons. 8bitar for size, sidescroller/arcadiator for the extra voices and modulation, underminer has the uglyfaceish glitch mode... there's just a lot to love out there for the octave obsessed.

Since I won't likely gig it but i like it too much to shelve it, I'll be giving it away to a high school age piano student of my mother's. He also plays guitar and bass and she considers him to be an exceptional pupil and wanted to support his other musical endeavors so she asked me to build "something." I almost built him a drive pedal(yawn) but this is far more fun. Evidently he has zero pedals but plays a boss katana so it seemed appropriate to give him something that definitely does not exist within the amp.

Art- moar Max Ernst! I thought this one fit the knob layout especially well.

RIP to his speaker. 🪦

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I'm really into yellow and gray for some reason Screenshot_20221011_220821.jpg