First Oscilloscope Recommendations

There's really not a TON of use for a scope that would aid in pedal building.

If your goal is to learn more about scopes and/or electronics and audio signal science then I'd suggest reading enough to make an informed purchase because there are a dozen or so specs you'd want to be familiar with.Which ones will be more important will depend on theuse you have planned for it.

An entry-level scope is great for that kind of exploration and hands-on learning. Then when your ready for the next scope (assuming you still have an interest) you'll be better prepared to choose the one that fits your specific needs.
What about for fine tuning delays/choruses?

See waveform reproduction of a Pulse wave <----link

It also checks transistors, diodes, etc. and has a builtin wave generator as well. Likely close to the same engine as @Cybercow posted. I didn't try scaling or any other features but if you'd like to, it's yours. Just DM me your address.

I'd also suggest looking into the options mentioned by other members above. They're likely to know much more than I about it. (y)
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View attachment 59823

See waveform reproduction of a Pulse wave <----link

It also checks transistors, diodes, etc. and has a builtin wave generator as well. Likely close to the same engine as @Cybercow posted. I didn't try scaling or any other features but if you'd like to, it's yours. Just DM me your address.

I'd also suggest looking into the options mentioned by other members above. They're likely to know much more than I about it. (y)
That’s very cool! I was looking at that one too!
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I have an analog discovery ad2. It does everything a hobbiest would need really well

100% agree. Any of the Analog Discovery - would work great.

Two waveform generators, 2 channels isolated input scopes, digital - can measure noise, impedance, even frequency response sweeps. Super capable. python scripting, or in-app java scripting of the software. Check out the waveforms (the software) -

I bought 5 for our engineering department (fortune 50 company) and have 2 of the more "pro" and expensive AD3450 units as well. They can do what the old skool HP spectrum analyzers did that cost $20,000.

Amazing piece of equipment. The AD scopes are used in a lot of engineering courses around the country. They're up to model 2 and 3 but even the original (which can be found on ebay for about $150) work great.