How to attach FV-1

Definitely a newb question, but I am building the Double Tracker pedal and I have no idea how the FV-1 is supposed to be attached to the PCB. There is no holes. do you just solder it on top?
The FV-1 chip is attached via surface mount soldering. It's not thru-hole like the rest of the components (ie, the legs of the chip don't go through holes in the PCB). It's tricky with a standard soldering iron, but can be done if you are careful
If you've never done SMD I'd recommend 1 of 2 things(really both)
1) find someone who can solder smd well and have them do it(this is why Robert offers the option)
2) order some SMD practice kits from Bezosmart/AliExpress
Screw those up first and see how you feel about it later.

Other options:
Buy another board with the fv-1 prepopulated

Watch a few hours of how tos on YouTube and wing it

Get another guitarist/double track your guitars 🤣
If you've never done SMD I'd recommend 1 of 2 things(really both)
1) find someone who can solder smd well and have them do it(this is why Robert offers the option)
2) order some SMD practice kits from Bezosmart/AliExpress
Screw those up first and see how you feel about it later.

Other options:
Buy another board with the fv-1 prepopulated

Watch a few hours of how tos on YouTube and wing it

Get another guitarist/double track your guitars 🤣
I'm currently leaning towards the youtube and winging it route... but I might try some practice kits first
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I'm currently leaning towards the youtube and winging it route... but I might try some practice kits first
#1 tip with SMD - you'll wanna be getting familiar with flux gel / paste.

- other than assisting/easing the binding of solder to metals (by reducing oxidation/air exposure), it's got this magical property that makes solder fuck off to where it's supposed to be (on solder pads), and minimizes and/or prevents solder bridging between pads
3rd option. Pick up some projects that have smt pads, such as one of the fet based drives that have both. It will give you practice usinf a $0.50 jfet instead of a $20 fv1
this is what i'm about to do lol, it's been worth the extra 4 bucks to have Robert take on the soldering (3/3 so far have been great).

gonna shill for the hydra delay here too :D
I ended up just going for it after some youtube tutorials and buying some flux paste. It's not the prettiest, but for a first try at surface mount soldering, I think it went pretty well. Dont think I somehow ruined the chip, but I guess I won't know that for sure until I get to test the pedal ;)
You can try with a good solder sucker and wick or buy another PCB and chip, but honestly if you are even semi serious about the hobby, a reasonable hot air station isn’t that expensive…
With a good solder sucker I would maybe be willing to try it. Not one of the plastic things. But also I'd be careful to give it some time between desoldering pads so you don't roast the chip.
What if you don't have one and don't want to buy one?
a heat gun would work I think, then pick it up with tweezers. at least that's what I see the kids doing in the YouTube shorts.

I'm quickly approaching the day when I begin soldering surface mount components, and I'm nervous as hell. that being said I did solder transformers in the wrong direction in not one but two pedals and was able to save the day. it's amazing what can be desoldered with a little persistence and a ton of desoldering braid!

good luck, I'll stay tuned for the conclusion to this saga.