Prismatic, Octaclave, Tactical, Deflector


Well-known member
Hey, I just built these with these nice colored enclosures from tayda.

Prismatic: dharma sound/colorsound distorter. Scronky 70s style fuzz tones.

Octaclave: I originally built this with d311a diodes because they look cool but had to sub them d9gs because I wasnt getting enough fuzz. Very interesting and metallic tones from this thing. I was sold when I heard it did a cool fuzzrite imitation.

Tactical fuzz: I really love this thing but probably because I love fuzz faces in general. If you love them too make sure you build this.

Deflector: fun and weird reverb. Gets very washy fast so you have to be careful with the mix knob. Definitely sounds cool though for gigantic ambience.


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