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    • J
      jaspinwall replied to the thread Granger Boost 2N1308.
      I guess now Small Bear sells kits for NPN or PNP transistors for Rangemasters, Fuzz Faces and Tone Benders. They're not as expensive as...
    • J
      jaspinwall replied to the thread Granger Boost 2N1308.
      You can look at Small Bear Electronics to get an idea of what they charge for pre-sorted and tested PNP and NPN transistors and that...
    • J
      jaspinwall replied to the thread Granger Boost 2N1308.
      FWIW, I used a CV7351 that was about 95-100 hFE and it sounds like the real Thorpy Have Blue pedal I have sitting next to it - and...
    • J
      Is there a schematic available for the new Fuzzy Fox design? Got the old build doc but it doesn't seem to quite align with the new board.
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