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    • aquataur
      aquataur reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      Relay coils are solenoids and throw a wide magnetic field. Many Wah inductors are pot cores, which should provide good shielding. No...
    • aquataur
      aquataur replied to the thread A simple Relay Bypass.
      It was a wah coil that was picking up the noise, and I have an application pending using a coil. The ones I have are termed DS2E-DC5V...
    • aquataur
      aquataur replied to the thread A simple Relay Bypass.
      Just for the record... I had used a similar circuit in the vicinity of a coil in the audio path (a wah). Using an OMRON G5V-2 seemed to...
    • aquataur
      aquataur reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      A 1N4148 will also suffice.
    • aquataur
      aquataur replied to the thread A simple Relay Bypass.
      So it looks the shottky flyback diode was chosen for convenience rather than a technical purpose. Glad I don´t have any of those super...
    • aquataur
      aquataur reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread A simple Relay Bypass with Like Like.
      It's true that the time to unload the energy stored in an inductor, in this case the relay coil, is inversely proportional to the coil...
    • aquataur
      aquataur replied to the thread A simple Relay Bypass.
      I noticed that all of those relay bypass circuits uses a shottky diode in parallel to the relay coil to tame the kickback voltage...
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