Recent content by cdwright

  1. C

    1590a sized projects.

    Would love some more 1590a sized builds. I know madbean and BYOC sell some good PCBs for 1590a enclosures, but there is still a lot of cool stuff that could be offered to the DIY pedal community in a 1590a sized. Specifically would love some simple three knob, one EEPROM, FV-1 projects. Like...
  2. C

    Hydra delay pot question.

    Thanks for the clarification!
  3. C

    Hydra delay pot question.

    Labeled on the PCB it calls for: Age B100k Swell B100k Speed B100k Volume B100k Mix B10k However the build doc says: Speed B100k Age B100k Repeats (swell) C50K Mix B10k Volume B10k
  4. C

    Boss VB2 Without Ramp.

    Would love a Boss VB2 board without all the extra circuitry for the ramp function. I know you can get a board from BYOC, but no one has ever done a compact VB2 that would fit in a 1590b.
  5. C

    Mr. Black Gilamondo.

    Mr. Black doesn't make it anymore. pretty sure its a fv-1 pedal. It does this really cool thing where if you turn the width knob all the way down the LFO stops running and you can control the phase sweep manually with the bonus. kind of like a cocked wah effect but a cocked phase.