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      DSL74 reacted to Chuck D. Bones's post in the thread Majestic/Cal 45 2-in-1 with Like Like.
      Yeah, good question. It's amazing how many pedals claim to "nail the Jimmy Page tone" as if Jimmy only had one tone. He didn't always...
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      DSL74 reacted to HamishR's post in the thread Majestic/Cal 45 2-in-1 with Like Like.
      And unfortunately I could walk into Guitar Centre, pick up a random guitar, plug into a random amp, turn a few knobs and sound like me.
    • D
      DSL74 replied to the thread Majestic/Cal 45 2-in-1.
      My first post. This is an amazing forum and I am very impressed by some of the builds and info I am seeing. So what components or design...
    • D
      DSL74 reacted to HamishR's post in the thread Majestic/Cal 45 2-in-1 with Like Like.
      Sorry - no PedalPCB content but I hope this is ok - and you could possibly built this with PedalPCB Mammal boards! Just built myself a...
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