Recent content by Kilo95

  1. K

    Nobelium preamp build

    I replaced the daughter board, header, and socket for V1 and it seems to be ok now.
  2. K

    Nobelium preamp build

    Thank you
  3. K

    Nobelium preamp build

    Ok. I reflowed every solder joint. Both leds are steady on now. Not flickering
  4. K

    Nobelium preamp build

    I’m also using a Mullard 12au7 from my other tube preamp for v1 and an rca 12au7 for v2. I have tried swapping those with no change
  5. K

    Nobelium preamp build

    Good morning everyone. Got my nobelium pedal built. I get a crackling static in the XLR and 1/4” outputs. I’ve tried with the 1/4 input disconnected. The vol/bass/treb knobs don’t affect the noise via the XLR (didn’t try those when the 1/4 was the output). I do get a nice bass sound through it...
  6. K

    Nobelium - tube bass preamp project

    So do you still recommend 9-12v power supply? I believe I read somewhere that one of the tubes is for the 1/4” out and the other is for the XLR. Which one is which? I never got a schematic. I’ll only be using the XLR and want to put my nice tube in that slot.